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suggestion for Averager

From: Rick Riolo
Subject: suggestion for Averager
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 15:08:27 -0400 (EDT)

I don't know if you plan to support the Averager object
into the future, but if so, it would be nice to have
a way to specify a filter, eg
    andFilterUsing:  M(getAgentIsGreen)
where getAgentIsGreen would return 0 or 1 
(or true or false) when sent to each object
in the list passed to the Averager, and the Averager would only 
include those that returned true in its calculations.
This would be convenient when a list contains different
subgroups which one might like to average over.

(or is there a way to do this with existing tools?)

- r

Rick Riolo                           address@hidden
Center for Study of Complex Systems (CSCS)
4477 Randall Lab                
University of Michigan         Ann Arbor MI 48109-1120
Phone: 734 763 3323                  Fax: 734 763 9267

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