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Heatbug.java continued..

From: Miles Parker
Subject: Heatbug.java continued..
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 19:27:13 -0500

Miles T. Parker
Software Engineer
The Brookings Institution  1775 Mass. Ave. NW  Washington, DC  20036
mailto:address@hidden  voice 202.797.6136  fax 202.797.6319

>>> Benedikt Stefansson <address@hidden> 01/13/00 06:17PM >>> wrote:

>>In the original Objective-C heatbugs, for better or for worse, there were no 
>>objects used, so to set an (x,y) coordinate one passed two method variables 
>>by reference. In
>>the Java code the implementation is more OO oriented,  a coordinate object is 
>>passed and its
>>vars are set by the callee.

To extrapolate further, as an example from Ascape of the beneifts of stronger O 
Orientation, an agent's relationship to space can be further abstracted, so we 

[Swarm JHeatbugs extended comment removed...]

    newX = x;
    newY = y;
      HeatCell heatCell = new HeatCell (newX, newY);
      heat.findExtremeType$X$Y (((heatHere < idealTemperature)
                                 ? HeatSpace.hot
                                 : HeatSpace.cold),
      newX = heatCell.x;
      newY = heatCell.y;
    if ((Globals.env.uniformDblRand.getDoubleWithMin$withMax (0.0, 1.0)) 
        < randomMoveProbability)
        // pick a random spot
        newX = 
          x + Globals.env.uniformIntRand.getIntegerWithMin$withMax (-1, 1); 
        newY = 
          y + Globals.env.uniformIntRand.getIntegerWithMin$withMax (-1, 1);
        // normalize coords
        newX = (newX + worldXSize) % worldXSize;      
        newY = (newY + worldYSize) % worldYSize;

    if (unhappiness == 0)
        // only update heat - don't move at all if no unhappiness
        heat.addHeat$X$Y (outputHeat, x, y);
    else {
      tries = 0;

      // only search if the current cell is neither the optimum
      // or randomly chosen location - else don't bother
      if ( (newX != x || newY != y) )
          while ( (world.getObjectAtX$Y (newX, newY) != null) 
                  && (tries < 10) )
              int location, xm1, xp1, ym1, yp1;
              // choose randomly from the nine possible
              // random locations to move to
              location = 
                Globals.env.uniformIntRand.getIntegerWithMin$withMax (1,8);

              xm1 = (x + worldXSize - 1) % worldXSize;
              xp1 = (x + 1) % worldXSize;
              ym1 = (y + worldYSize - 1) % worldYSize;
              yp1 = (y + 1) % worldYSize;

              switch (location)
                case 1:  
                  newX = xm1; newY = ym1;   // NW
                case 2:
                  newX = x ; newY = ym1;    // N
                case 3:
                  newX = xp1 ; newY = ym1;  // NE
                case 4:
                  newX = xm1 ; newY = y;    // W
                case 5:
                  newX = xp1 ; newY = y;    // E
                case 6:
                  newX = xm1 ; newY = yp1;  // SW
                case 7:
                  newX = x ; newY = yp1;    // S
                case 8:
                  newX = xp1 ; newY = yp1;  // SE
              tries++;                  // don't try too hard.
          if (tries == 10)
              // no nearby clear spot, so just don't move.
              newX = x;
              newY = y;


      world.putObject$atX$Y (null, x, y);
      x = newX;
      y = newY;
      world.putObject$atX$Y (this, newX, newY);


[Ascape Heatbugs]

            DataPoint maximizeFor = (((HeatCell) getHostCell()).getHeat() < 
                                  ? HeatCell.MAXIMUM_HEAT_POINT : 
            Cell bestLocation = getHostCell().findMaximumWithin(maximizeFor, 1, 
            if (!bestLocation.isAvailable() && bestLocation != oldHost) {
            else if (bestLocation != oldHost) {
                moveTo((HostCell) bestLocation);
            //This is slightly different then the swarm implementation..
            if (getRandom().nextFloat() < ((HeatbugModel) 
getRoot()).getRandomMoveProbability()) {

Now, of course, all the code above still has to exist somewhere, but the point 
is that you don't have to write it and/or copy it each time! Also, if we want 
to run it under 1D, or (eventually!) 3D or network, we don't have to rewrite 
any of the Heatbugs code. Finally, from a pedagogical standpoint, its just 
clearer what the code is doing. (Sorry for the rather obvious horn tooting, but 
I think that this kind of move would be extremely useful for future 
implementations of Swarm as well, as I'm sure you'all  would agree.)


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