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Re: List transfer between objects

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: List transfer between objects
Date: 01 Mar 2000 10:58:55 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "KR" == Konrad Richter <address@hidden> writes:

KR> Now, here comes my question: Is there something that I ought to
KR> know about how to pass lists between objects? Is there some
KR> difficulty with lists of objects that themselfes contain lists? It
KR> seems to me that I have some "local" geneList inside modelSwarm
KR> and that the geneList is not part of the object "Chromosome". Do I
KR> have to work with pointers in order to pass these lists correctly?

Well, there is not implicit copying by virtue of "passing" an object, and
you don't need to work with pointers.  That's about all I can say.

If it is an exercise anyway, I suggest you write a test case from
scratch that attempts to reproduces the funny behavior you see.
If you reproduce it in a well-bounded way and the behavior still seems
wrong then you can demonstrate it precisely and then we can explain or fix it.

Alternatively, you could upload the whole model to 
ftp://ftp.swarm.org/pub/swarm/users-contrib/incoming, and someone might
feel like helping you debug the whole thing.

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