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APPLIBS=-lspace (was Re: request for explanation)

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: APPLIBS=-lspace (was Re: request for explanation)
Date: 20 Mar 2000 22:37:54 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.6

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul E Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> "Marcus G. Daniels" wrote:
>>  >>>>> "KV" == Krishnan Viswanathan <address@hidden> writes:
KV> ld: cannot open -lspace
>>  If you remove the "APPLIBS=-lspace" in your Makefile, that should
>> do it.  (It's redundant.)

PJ> Could you please explain the reason for this change?  (I didn't
PJ> understand why the APPLIBS declaration was needed before, but I'm
PJ> willing to try and understand why its not needed any more.)  --

Way back in the Swarm primordial ooze, the `space' library was deemed
an `additional' library on top of the main Swarm libraries (defobj,
activity, etc.) and in the old default `Makefile.conf' (oldtimers
remember those days before autoconf/automake... <sigh>) `-lspace' was,
by default, not included at link time.  Hence the need to add it the
application APPLIBS variable.

Now,`-lspace' comes as part of the shrink-wrapped `-lswarm'
convenience library and hence no need to supply it yourself.

The APPLIBS included in all the tutorial apps were removed last year
(and are obviously not in swarmapps-2.1):

address@hidden/Swarm/tutorial] $ grep -B 3 -r APPLIBS */ChangeLog 

simpleExperBug/ChangeLog-1999-08-25  Marcus G. Daniels  <address@hidden>
simpleExperBug/ChangeLog-       * Makefile (APPVERSION, BUGADDRESS): Add.
simpleExperBug/ChangeLog:       (APPLIBS): Remove.
simpleExperBug/ChangeLog-       * Makefile (SWARMHOME): Default to 1998-08-20.
simpleExperBug/ChangeLog-       (DATAFILES): experiment.setup.
simpleExperBug/ChangeLog:       (APPLIBS): Remove.
simpleObjCBug2/ChangeLog-1999-08-25  Marcus G. Daniels  <address@hidden>
simpleObjCBug2/ChangeLog-       * Makefile (APPVERSION, BUGADDRESS): Add.
simpleObjCBug2/ChangeLog:       (APPLIBS): Remove.
simpleObserverBug/ChangeLog-    fromAppDataFileNamed:.
simpleObserverBug/ChangeLog-    * Makefile (SWARMHOME): Default to 1998-08-20.
simpleObserverBug/ChangeLog:    (APPLIBS): Remove.
simpleObserverBug2/ChangeLog-1999-08-25  Marcus G. Daniels  <address@hidden>
simpleObserverBug2/ChangeLog-   * Makefile (APPVERSION, BUGADDRESS):  Add.
simpleObserverBug2/ChangeLog:   (APPLIBS): Remove.
simpleSwarmBug/ChangeLog-1999-08-25  Marcus G. Daniels  <address@hidden>
simpleSwarmBug/ChangeLog-       * Makefile (APPVERSION, BUGADDRESS): Add.
simpleSwarmBug/ChangeLog:       (APPLIBS): Remove.
simpleSwarmBug2/ChangeLog-1999-08-25  Marcus G. Daniels  <address@hidden>
simpleSwarmBug2/ChangeLog-      * Makefile (APPVERSION, BUGADDRESS): Add.
simpleSwarmBug2/ChangeLog:      (APPLIBS): Remove.
simpleSwarmBug3/ChangeLog-1998-08-20  Marcus G. Daniels  <address@hidden>
simpleSwarmBug3/ChangeLog:      * Makefile (APPLIBS): Remove.

Alex Lancaster * address@hidden * www.santafe.edu/~alex * 505 984-8800 x242
Santa Fe Institute (www.santafe.edu) & Swarm Development Group (www.swarm.org)

   Swarm-Support is for discussion of the technical details of the day
   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
   [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
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