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Re: 2.1.1

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: 2.1.1
Date: 19 May 2000 00:26:14 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.6

>>>>> "DC" == Daniel Calhoun <address@hidden> writes:

DC> I am just trying to run on 2.1.1 (for W95) some files previously
DC> run on 1.4.1. The effort to run an exe file is answered with
DC> "bltGraph.tcl not found."  Moving that file from the CD into share
DC> doesn't seem to make any difference.  Are there any written
DC> directions or lore on how to make this transition?

DC> Thanks, anyone.

1.4.1 is getting kind of old now.  It's at least one major revision
old, and major revisions tend to be `major' for the reason that they
can often break things (on the "to make an omlette, you have to break
a few eggs" principle).  The filestructure for Swarm at runtime has
changed considerable since 1.4.1 and so has the location of files for
some of the support libraries (such as Tcl/Tk and BLT).

If I understand you correctly, you are trying to get on old 1.4.1
binary to work with a the 2.1.1 install, right?  If you are, I would
suggest that the effort to get the old exe working is better spent
recompiling the application with the new version of Swarm (assuming
you still have the source code working).

Also the time for the SDG to spend debugging older versions of Swarm
for applications that haven't been updated, runs into diminishing
returns very rapidly, as you could imagine.

Alex Lancaster * address@hidden * www.santafe.edu/~alex * 505 984-8800 x242
Santa Fe Institute (www.santafe.edu) & Swarm Development Group (www.swarm.org)

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