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Re: drone and windows NT. Any success stories?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: drone and windows NT. Any success stories?
Date: 12 Jul 2000 07:52:18 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul E Johnson <address@hidden> writes:

PJ> 1. There is a problem about execute permissions because NT doesn't
PJ> work like unix.  Basically, windows NT ignores anything I do with
PJ> permissions inside the bash shell.  In order to get the file
PJ> "drone" (an expect script) to execute, I have to rename it
PJ> drone.exe.

If the script starts with "#!/bin/sh" it should become executable.

PJ> When the swarm terminal starts up, it uses .bash_login and it
PJ> erases my path and replaces it with /Swarm-2.1.1/bin.  What's up
PJ> with that?

Swarm defaults to that so that "Swarm terminal" is likely to mean the same
thing, no matter what system it is run on.

PJ> 4. Now I have no idea how the guy in indiana gets drone to run,
PJ> but after one run it crashes because it can't read from /dev/null.

It might start working if you recompiled your binaries with the gcc
Swarm 2.1.1 compiler (using Cygwin 1.1 DLLs and headers).

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