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Re: experiment management

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: experiment management
Date: 11 Sep 2001 04:02:55 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.105

>>>>> "CB" == Charlotte Bruun <address@hidden> writes:

CB> Thank You for the long and helpful answer, which however leaves me
CB> with an additional problem. My old batch versions using
CB> objectLoader do not work with newer versions of Swarm (2.1.1). Do
CB> I have to use the lispAppArchiver?

If you can, you should migrate to using it.  It's actually pretty
simple once you get used to it, and is more powerful (you can store
parameters for many objects in the one file, unlike being limited to
one file per object as for the ObjectLoader stuff).

There's a tutorial-style section in the User Guide on using it:


(also the most recent versions heatbugs, mousetrap and tutorial all
use it, so you can see how the new features work with the old apps.).

   Alex Lancaster * <address@hidden> * www.santafe.edu/~alex 
Dept. of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley (ib.berkeley.edu) * +1 510 642-1233
    & Swarm Development Group, Santa Fe, New Mexico (www.swarm.org) 

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