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getIntegerWithMin$withMax(int, int)

From: Fred Wan
Subject: getIntegerWithMin$withMax(int, int)
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 15:51:24 +0200

Hi I'm trying to use  getIntegerWithMin$withMax(int, int) but compiling with
the latest swarm version yields the following error message:

Error: H:\swarm\java\A3DMAS31\ModelSwarm.java(159): Method
getIntegerWithMin$withMax(int, int) not found in swarm.SwarmEnvironmentImpl

In an older version of swarm this doesn't happen. I've experienced more
problems like these involving global variables. There are some changes in
later versions which aren't documented (in the ref guide). Is there any
sight on an updated version of the ref guide?


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