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Re: createFAction, which Zone?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: createFAction, which Zone?
Date: 01 Mar 2002 14:09:50 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "L" == Lourens van der Meij <address@hidden> writes:

L> By more closely reading the FAQ I now think I understand that if
L> one would like to use Objective-C datastructures, one should only
L> use java objects that are sub-objects of SwarmObject (more precise
L> Drop interface?). Is this correct?

L> Anyhow, I advised the user to use the java HashMap instead.

Yes, if you have ordinary Java objects, try to use ordinary Java
data structures.  That will avoid a lot of overhead.

L> 2)I could not find out what the appropriate Zone was in some calls,
L>      I got exceptions, whatever Zone I tried.

Rather than speculating about the cause, how about posting a self-contained
example that does throw an exception?  (Or at least posting a backtrace
that lends evidence to your hypothesis...)

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