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[Swarm-Support] using sun's java libs in swarm

From: Jan Herrmann
Subject: [Swarm-Support] using sun's java libs in swarm
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:19:27 +0200

Hello everybody,


I wrote  a couple of java programs and a swarm simulation. Now I'd like to use the java programs in my swarm simulation. Unfortunately the Java libs which I can use in Swarm seem to be only a subset of sun's Java libs. For example in swarm you can’t use Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"),

cause this class (sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver) will not be found.(Which java libs does Swarm use?? And how to tell Swarm to use different ones?)

To solve these problems I had the idea to import all the swarm classes in my Java programs and to compile it with javac. This worked fine but when I try to execute the Simulation with java (sun’s java) I get the following error:


Exception caught: no javaswarm in java.library.path

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: initSwarm

        at swarm.SwarmEnvironment.initSwarm(Native Method)

        at myswarm.StartSimulation.main(StartSimulation.java:21)


I guess swarm simulations can only be run under javaswarm (true??)

Does anyone have an idea how to use the full power of sun’s java libs under swarm?

By the way I’m working under windows 2000 and I’m using java1.4.2


Thanks for your support
greets Jan

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