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Re: [Swarm-Support] Multiple Agents in One Cell

From: Crile Doscher
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] Multiple Agents in One Cell
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 14:21:32 -0400

Hi Ken,
I guess I was a little too selective in my cutting and pasting - there's a sliver of code missing that initialises x and y after making a conversion from NZMG coordinates to the swarm grid coordinates.

//if its within the space, convert the coords to swarm

//and input the data

if ((nzmgX >= xOriginM && nzmgX <= xEndM) &&

(nzmgY <= yOriginM && nzmgY >=yEndM)) {

x = [self convertNZMGX: nzmgX];

y = [self convertNZMGY: nzmgY];

Aside from that, this is part of the code that was working before I tried inserting the lists. Your efforts are appreciated!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Cline" <address@hidden>
To: "Swarm Support" <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] Multiple Agents in One Cell

   printf ("Scanning through file for data points\n");
   for (incy=0; incy <numRows; incy++) {
     for (incx=0; incx < numCols; incx++) {
       // scan the datapoint - datapoint is the elevation value
       // from the ascii file
       float datapoint;
       int datapoint2;
       datapoint = [self getDataPoint];
       // printf("datapoint = %f\n", datapoint);
       // datapoint2 = (int) datapoint;
       // printf("datapoint2 = %d\n", datapoint2);
       // if its within the space, convert the coords to swarm
       // and input the data

       if (fileID == 0)
         [ [cellSurface getCellAtX: x Y: y] setElevLevel: dataPoint];

       data2 = [[cellSurface getCellAtX: x Y: y] getElevLevel];

       // more diagnostics here
       // printf("Elevation here (data2) = %f\n", data2);
       // This currently returning "NaN"
       // Testing out list creation here instead of in
       // Cell: -createEnd
       // list = [List create: [self getZone]];
       // implmenting this here hasn't helped
     // else if not within space, do nothing but scan the
     // next datapoint
     // move ahead one cell
     // printf ("Still in the inputData method...");
     nzmgX = nzmgX + cellSize;
     // printf("x = %f, y = %f\n", nzmgX, nzmgY);

Your problem might be that the for-loop indexes are 'incx' and 'incy'
yet you are using (un-initialized) local variables named 'x' and 'y'
to access the cell.

Also, you only set the elevation value if fileID == 0.  Is that

Hope that helps.

--- Crile Doscher <address@hidden> wrote:

Thanks for that, Steve. That's an excellent point about using two separate space objects. That might be a relatively easy way around this. Below I'll
try to post some of the code that *I think* is relevant - I'll admit to
being a bit unsure about what will be most helpful to post.  Is there a
better way to post this?  A tarball perhaps?  Nonetheless, a brief summary
of what's below:

Selection from Cell.m: -createEnd and -createCollection - a la Opinion, the
list is created here at the end of cell creation.  Plus -set
and -getElevLevel, elevlevel being the elevation value, and -insertItem,
borrowed from MultiGrid2d to insert an agent into a cell's list.

Selections from CellSurface.m: -fillWithCells (adds data to cells)
and -findSteepestSlope (determines the best cell for the primary agent to
move to - where the current failure seems to occur)

Selection from DataFile.m: -inputData (reads in elevation values from an
ascii raster grid file)

Selected code from Cell.m:
//Cell.m a swarmobject that fills in each point in the cellSurface lattice
//cell objects hold variables for GIS data layers. They can change these
//variables as well as communicate with neighboring cells in the lattice.
//cells can also implement cellular automata-like functions.
//Cell.m is based on Paul Box's Biox model
//changes made by Crile Doscher, September 04, for Drop
#import "Cell.h"
#import "ModelSwarm.h"

@implementation Cell
- createEnd
    [self createCollection];  //This creates the list
    return [super createEnd];

- (id) createCollection
    //Borrowed from MulitGrid2d
    list = [List create: [self getZone]];
    return list;

-step {
    // here put things that all cells do at each time step. Especially,
    // place here functions that involve doing things and sending
    // messages to neighbor cells
    return self;

//here is where we put methods for setting and retrieving variables
//specific to our model. Replace these with your own

-setElevLevel: (float) e { //ElevLevel is the elevation value in each cell
  elevLevel = e;
  //printf("Cell.m: elevLevel = %f\n", elevLevel);
  return self;

-(float) getElevLevel {
  return elevLevel;


- (BOOL) insertItem: obj //19 August 05 - CD added to get agents into lists
  [list addFirst: obj];
  return YES;


>From CellSurface.m - this method creates the cells

-fillWithCells {
  int incx, incy;
  Cell * cell;

  printf ("Initializing the lattice...\n\n ");
  cellList = [List create: [self getZone]];
  //first create empty cell objects and place them in the lattice
  for (incy = 0; incy < ysize; incy++)
    for (incx = 0; incx < xsize; incx++) {
      // allocate memory for a temporary cell
      cell = [Cell createBegin: [self getZone]];
      // tell the cell where it is
      [cell setModel: modelSwarm andCellSurface: self];
      [cell setX: incx Y: incy];
      cell = [cell createEnd];
      //place the cell at its point in the lattice
      [self putObject: cell atX: incx Y: incy];
      [cellList addLast: cell];

  printf("cellSurface, created %d x %d cells.\n", ysize, xsize);
  return self;

Also from CellSurface.m - this method determines which cell is the best one
to move to - roughly based on HeatBugs movement

// New method to find the steepest slope adapted from Heatbugs.
// Search the 9 cell neighbourhood for the steepest slope.
- (ElevValue)findSteepestSlopeAtX: (int *) px Y: (int *) py
  float maxSlope;
  float elevHere;
  int x, y;
  id <List>slopeList;
  id cell, bestCell;
  int offset;
  printf("Inside findSteepestSlopeAtX now\n");
  elevHere = [[self getCellAtX: *px Y: *py] getElevLevel];
  printf("CellSurface.m: x = %d, y = %d\n", *px, *py);
  printf("CellSurface.m: elevHere = %f\n\n", elevHere);
  maxSlope = 0; //not sure if this is the best place to do this...
  // Now scan through the world, finding the slopes to the 8 cell
  // neighbours, determing the best, or the best equal
  slopeList = [List create: [self getZone]];
  for (y = *py -1; y <= *py + 1; y++) {
    for (x = *px - 1; x <= *px + 1; x++) {
      float elevThere;
      float slopeValue;
      elevThere = [[self getCellAtX: x Y: y] getElevLevel];
      // elevThere = (int) elevThere;
// elevThere = [self getValueAtX: (x+xsize)%xsize Y: (y+ysize)%ysize];
      printf ("@ (%d, %d) = %f ", x, y, elevThere);
      if (x == *px || y == *py) {
        // if the cell we're in is N,S,E or W, don't divide by 1.414
        slopeValue = elevHere - elevThere;
        printf("CellSurface.m:slopeValue = %f (loop1)\n", slopeValue);
      } else {
        slopeValue = (elevHere - elevThere)/1.414;
        // if the cell is on the diagonal, divide by 1.414
        printf("CellSurface.m:slopeValue = %f (loop2)\n", slopeValue);

      if (slopeValue > maxSlope) {
        cell = [[[ElevCell create: [self getZone]] setX:x] setY:y];
        [slopeList deleteAll];
        [slopeList addLast: cell];
        maxSlope = slopeValue;

      printf("CellSuface.m:maxSlope = %f\n", maxSlope);
      if (slopeValue == maxSlope) {
        cell = [[[ElevCell create: [self getZone]] setX: x] setY: y];
        [slopeList addLast: cell];
      } // close else loop
    } // close x loop
} // close y loop

Code below deleted for brevity...

>From DataFile.m - this method imports elevation values from the
>ascii raster grid file

-inputData: (int) f {
  int incx, incy, x, y;
  int data1, result; //for debugging
  // float data2;
  float nzmgX, nzmgY;  //nzmg = New Zealand Map Grid - local coordinate
  // id list; //needed to create list in this method 24/8/05
  fileID = f;

  printf ("Importing data from fileID:%d %s..\n", fileID, fileName);

  // first put nodatavalues in all the cells. Can be overwritten in
  // the next steps if a cell contains information
  printf("Putting nodata values in all the cells. fileID = %d\n", fileID);
  // printf("cellSurface = %s\n",[cellSurface getInstanceName]);

  for (incy = 0; incy < ysize; incy++){
    for (incx = 0; incx < xsize; incx++) {
      if (fileID == 0)
      [[cellSurface getCellAtX: incx Y: incy]
         setElevLevel: noDataValue];   //defined in cell.hm
      data1 = [[cellSurface getCellAtX: incx Y: incy] getElevLevel];
      // next three lines her for diagnostics
      printf("Elevation here (data1) = %d\n", data1); //This returns
2147483648 consistently
      printf("noDataValue = %d\n", noDataValue);

  printf ("Scanning through file for data points\n");
  for (incy=0; incy <numRows; incy++) {
    for (incx=0; incx < numCols; incx++) {
      // scan the datapoint - datapoint is the elevation value
      // from the ascii file
      float datapoint;
      int datapoint2;
      datapoint = [self getDataPoint];
      // printf("datapoint = %f\n", datapoint);
      // datapoint2 = (int) datapoint;
      // printf("datapoint2 = %d\n", datapoint2);
      // if its within the space, convert the coords to swarm
      // and input the data

      if (fileID == 0)
        [ [cellSurface getCellAtX: x Y: y] setElevLevel: dataPoint];

      data2 = [[cellSurface getCellAtX: x Y: y] getElevLevel];

      // more diagnostics here
      // printf("Elevation here (data2) = %f\n", data2);
      // This currently returning "NaN"
      // Testing out list creation here instead of in
      // Cell: -createEnd
      // list = [List create: [self getZone]];
      // implmenting this here hasn't helped
    // else if not within space, do nothing but scan the
    // next datapoint
    // move ahead one cell
    // printf ("Still in the inputData method...");
    nzmgX = nzmgX + cellSize;
    // printf("x = %f, y = %f\n", nzmgX, nzmgY);
// end else (data overlaps main data set)

printf ("successfully scanned data file\n\n");
return self;

----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Railsback" <address@hidden>
To: "Swarm Support" <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] Multiple Agents in One Cell

> Crile Doscher wrote:
>> Hi there SwarmList,
> ...
>> So, have I been sloppy in creating my lists? My gut feeling is that >> my
>> cells should be able to hold both elevations and lists and I simply
>> haven't implemented this well.  Could the order in which the list is
>> added and elevation values read in be causing a problem?  Any thoughts?
> Crile: I think you will have to post your cell code and the methods that
> call it for anyone to help.
> Also: Remember that you can use two separate space objects. If your
> Discrete2D holding elevations works already, you could just leave it > alone
> and create a separate MultiGrid2d to keep the agents. The agents would
> then look in the elevation space to get their elevation.
> Steve R.
> -- > Lang Railsback & Assoc.
> 250 California Ave.
> Arcata, California 95521
> (707) 822-0453

Ken Cline                             W: (443) 287-2636
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