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Re: [Swarm-Support] Multiple Agents in One Cell

From: Paul Johnson
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] Multiple Agents in One Cell
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 01:09:03 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050720)

Here's an example of what has always made me angry in the contrib ftp. There are packages that have no readme or lsm file. In Multi2d, I can't even find the author's name. I don't think I ever read it. I know for sure I worked a lot on MoGrid2d, Sven's enhancement. (I'm pretty sure I did not write Multi2d, anyway,since the earliest version of my class for that was called "WrappedListGrid2d (http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~pauljohn/Swarm/MySwarmCode/WrappedListGrid2d-990817.tar.gz) and after that I got pretty fanatical about ironing out all the kinks with MultiGrid2d.

So its kindof a mystery to me that somebody would even use Multi2d as a starting point.

But it is more a mystery why one would try to re-invent the multi occupancy grid after I worked out all the kinks and documented the details in the MultiGrid2d and MultiGridCell classes. It is a general purpose, relatively well documented thing that I've used in several projects.


Ken Cline wrote:
I would be careful with that code.  The implementation of 'putObject'
and 'putValue' in MultiDiscrete2d class is flawed.  It assumes that
the only way a List object could be found at (x,y) is if it was
created by an earlier calls to those 'put' methods.  This is an
invalid assumption.  The user could have passed in a List as an

(In fact, when you first posted your problem I thought that maybe
you were using that code already.  But then I noticed that you said
you were using Paul Johnson implementation.)


--- Crile Doscher <address@hidden> wrote:

Paul E. Johnson                       email: address@hidden
Dept. of Political Science            http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~pauljohn
1541 Lilac Lane, Rm 504
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66044-3177           FAX: (785) 864-5700

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