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[Texmacs-dev] Re: texmacs styles, and sessions

From: Joris van der Hoeven
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Re: texmacs styles, and sessions
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 16:33:21 +0200 (MET DST)

> sorry, door een kleine miscommunicatie was de server down. hij is nu weer
> up. als de dns down is (wat ook nog wel eens gebeurt) dan is het
> vengeance.et.tudelft.nl/avoozl/code/texmacs
> ik zal ook nog wel ergens een mirror plaatsen binnenkort.

OK, the website can be reached again. Please decompose your patches and
contributions into separate parts which are described on the Wiki at


This will accelerate their incorporation into the main distribution.

Question: would it be possible to place TeXmacs boxes or
postscript graphics inside the text areas of dotty/graphviz?
We might then try to enhance your interface into a first
interesting "plugin" for TeXmacs (even though I guess that
such a project should wait a few months).

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