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[Texmacs-dev] Patch TeXmacs-

From: David Allouche
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Patch TeXmacs-
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 14:18:32 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

I have been away a for quite some time, now here come the release of
my works during that duration. That is one big patch, mainly related
to menu capitalization and check-marking, and a bunch of proposals.

The patch is downloadable at:


What's new

All menu items have been Copitalized in phrase style... Well, if some
are not that is my bad.

Everywhere it made some kind of sense the menu items now have checkmarks.

I changed the previous convention for multiple-choice list with
default values, mostly document settings. Before, only one item
(including the Default) was checkmarked with "o". So, when the default
value was selected, the user could not see what was the default
value... The new convention is to have the Default item marked with
"v" when appropriate, and always have the menu item associated to the
current value marked with "o" even if it is the default value. That
way it is easy to know what is the current value in all cases and the
user still know if it is the inherited default or a local value.

Rewritten most of the menu widget generation code in tm_menu.cc in
GUILE. Put the new GUILE code in a new menu.scm file.

The use of implicit checkmarking has been generalized using GUILE's
procedure properties.

Added several predicates to the GUILE glue for checkmarking purposes.

Fixed long lasting bug of init-page-margins. Incidentally added GUILE
functions to perform length arithmetic.

Added support for several new types in glue.cc for length arithmetic
and menu generation.

Fixed some typos related to BOT_MARGIN and PAGE_EXTEND in
env_default.cc and env_semantics.cc.

Changed some unecessary friend declarations into regular function
declarations. This is part of a medium-term plan to change the
refcounting system.

Probably some other fixes which got lost in the crowd.

Still to do

Check-marks in the Preferences menus and in the document language menu.

More to come...

                             -- David --

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