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Re: [Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs as a tool for Scientifical/Technical translati

From: Offray Vladimir Luna Cardenas
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] TeXmacs as a tool for Scientifical/Technical translations
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:30:50 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071213)

Hi Henri,

Thanks for your quick answer. Could you please point me to the sources of your tutorial, so I can use it as a experiment for the idea. I will translate it as I'm reading and with what I learn with the reading I will try to create the necessary macros and environments for supporting translations. If I have any doubt I will ask it here.



Henri Lesourd escribió:
Offray Vladimir Luna Cardenas wrote:

so what would be really nice was to have some kind of master document in the same spirit of po4a[1] with environments for each language and some type of markup that can be used to make pairs of original and translated text, all this without leaving our preferred writing tool. In the process of producing the output of a file, say in pdf format, the "original language text environments" would be hide and only the translated ones would be visible and taken into account for indexes, table of figures and so on.

[1] http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/

It this possible with TeXmacs? there is any pointer to documentation to read for getting this thing done?

It is definitely possible (and not very difficult) to do that,
the simplest would be to define a TeXmacs macro for containing
multilingual text, which would be either completely "opened",
i.e., you see all the languages together, or either which would
show only one language, the control for all the macros being
done by means of a global variable.

The relevant pointers in the documentation are:
Help->Reference guide->Stylesheet language
Help->Reference guide->TeXmacs primitives

You can also have a look at :

, which describes in a tutorial and detailed way how to
write TeXmacs macros, and how to implement TeXmacs plugins,
including how to define new menus and new keyboard shortcuts,
which could be useful to switch the global variable which
controls everything.

Ps: My mail server was banned to write to the users mailing list (may be someone used it to send spam) and I cant find the mail where I was informed that my mail was not arriving to users list. If any one can help me with this I will really appreciate this.

I just received a mail about a similar problem, I'm looking
forward for solving it (I have no more news about that now).

Happy Christmas & New Year, Henri

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