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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Python Plugin Information

From: David E. Miller
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Python Plugin Information
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 00:12:06 -0400
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The TeXmacs version I am using under Linux has adequate help for the Python plugin. The TeXmacs version I was using when I wrote the message below did not. Your help about the plugin was exactly what I had in mind when I wrote the comments below about creating a help page. I was not aware at that time of your contribution. No action is necessary on my part. The latest MS Windows version of TeXmacs also includes your help for the Python plugin, but the entire help system appears broken due to some security access setting/issue that evidently was overlooked during the packaging of the MS Windows version: no read access for the help files. I copied and changed the access permissions for your Python plugin help and it is the same as the Linux version as far as I can tell. Thanks for your time devoted to providing this.

I agree with you about the prompt change that I had considered. You are correct about the implication that would be involved. I thought about that after I had looked at the tm_python code and realized how it worked. This change would have been a bad idea in retrospect. However, I did gain some insight into the TeXmacs plugin mechanism as a result, so all was not lost.

For your information, I have thrown enough Python at the plugin to say with confidence that it works as intended without any significant anomalies. I even was able to access GNU Octave using the Oct2Py module and threw  all the test code of the project site at the Python plugin and it worked without any notable concerns. The only issue I would note for users is that using Python to access plotting may not be the best choice since there is little control over the resulting interface used by the various plotting systems. Thus the plot may appear in a window as expected, but without any method to save the plot from that window to say EPS, etc. I was able to save some plots to EPS using a little trickery as a workaround, but this was not worth the effort involved in that it is easier to use a different program to generate the plots and then either insert them as a image into TeXmacs or use the ps_out method which worked without any issues as long as the user knows how to scale the image. I intend to try using Matplotlib and some others also to see how they respond through the plugin.

Thanks again.

David Miller 

On 3/21/2013 4:41 PM, Adrian S. wrote:
I think that I included some documentation about ps_out in the documentation of the plugin.

As it is currently implemented, it does not work as the interpreter, so I do not think that >>> would be a good prompt.  

I am trying this week to have a look at the code and see what I can improve.  To have it behave as the Mathemagix plugin would be along the lines of what Joris wants, but for that we need to see clearly how the mathemagix plugin is implemented, and have it in the virtula machine would be helpful.

Thanks for doing this.


On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 7:18 AM, Miguel de Benito Delgado <address@hidden> wrote:

  you may change the prompt of a plugin using a so-called "channel". This is a special command sent from the plugin. Search the documentation for "output channels" and you'll find it.

Miguel de  Benito.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Massimiliano Gubinelli <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi David,
 I think that the prompt is set up in the scheme code for plugins. Adrian Soto worked recently on the Python plugin. It would be great have something like iPython in TeXmacs.

Thanks for your help. Personally I do not have  a lot of time to allocate to plugin support (I'm working on other TeXmacs features right now) but if you have specific questions, keep asking in the mailing list and I and the other will try to provide some support.


On Mar 12, 2013, at 12:58 AM, David E. Miller <address@hidden> wrote:

> All TeXmacs developers:
> I have emailed the original author of the TeXmacs Python plugin, Ero Carrera. Although he is the author of the plugin, from his email reply to me it appears that he is no longer involved with supporting or maintaining this plugin.
> Be advised that this does not mean that there are any issues with the TeXmacs Python plugin. In fact I am in the process of completing an article using TeXmacs for the TeXmacs community about using the TeXmacs Python plugin with modules "scientific" by which I mean NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, SciTools, and Oct2Py, a Python module interface to GNU Octave that appears to function without any issues using the Python plugin. I will announce through this list when this article is ready for download and instructions for that purpose. After peer review and any feedback, I will offer this article for inclusion with those publicly available through the TeXmacs website.
> If there are any developers reading this that are accomplished Pythonistas, please let me know. I have scoured the tm_python code in order to determine how the plugin generates the "Python]" prompt for each line of input during the session and it has me baffled. If anyone with plugin or  Python expertise would be so kind as to look at the code to determine where this prompt is being generated, I will be in your debt. I want to alter this prompt to the conventional ">>>" Python interactive prompt. So far I have no clue as to how the prompt is generated by the code. Maybe it is an attribute of the associated Scheme code for the plugin. Ero Carrera can't remember much about his plugin since it was written some time ago.
> I am also writing a short Help page for the Python plugin with attribution for the original author. This help will include two undocumented methods of the plugin that are "ps_out" which will insert an EPS file into the Python session and command completion that works to provide completion help from the input line.
> Thanks for any help, advice, or constructive comments.
> David E. Miller
> TeXmacs Enthusiast
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