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[Tiger-user] Feedback: loading TIGER 2.2.4p1 on HP-UX 11.11 (long)

From: Bob Hall
Subject: [Tiger-user] Feedback: loading TIGER 2.2.4p1 on HP-UX 11.11 (long)
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 13:43:24 -0700 (PDT)

First I wanted to thank the author of the TIGER package for making
it available. The output has been valuable to me and I'm sure that
I can make good use of this product.

I just finished modifying and packaging up TIGER 2.2.4p1 so that
it will run properly on our HP-UX 11.11 systems, and I thought it
might be beneficial(?) to relate my experiences. My philosophy in
doing so is to package the product in such a way that it produces
a minimum of messages when run on a 'clean' system. I.e. I set up
a system that has our baseline configuration, and I wanted it to
produce a minimum of notes, warnings, and errors. As a result,
I'm sure that some may disagree with some of the shortcut methods
I used. But the goal was to produce output for a novice SysAdmin
that would not cause concern about the base install. Eventually I
want to modify the baseline install so that many of these measures
are not needed.

After downloading the package and setting it up on my test box, I
did the following:

* Change owner of directory and files to root:sys.
* Modify the Makefile and set TIGERHOME to our install directory.
* Ran make.
* Created the dynamic folders under /var/spool/tiger.

 mkdir /var/spool/tiger
 mkdir /var/spool/tiger/bin
 mkdir /var/spool/tiger/logs
 mkdir /var/spool/tiger/work
 chown -hR root:sys /var/spool/tiger

* Edited the ./tiger/tigerrc file:


* Made a copy of the getdisks script from the Linux system:

 cp -p /opt/tiger/systems/Linux/2/getdisks /opt/tiger/systems/HPUX

* In ./tiger/scripts/check_accounts following '$shcase)' in the
  check_disabled() call, add a case statement to ignore the
  standard accounts: daemon, bin, sys, adm, lp, hpdb.

|           $shcase)
| case \"$user\" in
|   daemon|bin|sys|adm|lp|nobody|hpdb) ;;
|   *)  message WARN acc001w \"\" \"Login ID $user is disabled, but
|       still has a valid shell ($shell).\"
|   ;;
| esac
|            ;;

* Add a case statement to ignore 'bin' in the pathmsg() routine
  of ./tiger/initdefs following root).

|         root) {
|           [ "$__owner" != "$__rowner" ] && {
| case "$__rowner" in
|   bin) ;;
|   *)
|             __omsg="not owned by $__owner (owned by $__rowner)."
|             __olvl='WARN'
|             [ $__dir -eq 1 -o $__exec -eq 0 ] && __olvl='INFO'
|   ;;
| esac
|           }
|         }
|         ;;

* Modify the paths in the ./tiger/systems/HPUX/inetd file as

| exec         stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/rexecd   rexecd
| finger       stream tcp nowait bin /usr/lbin/fingerd  fingerd
| ftp          stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd     ftpd -l
| login        stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/rlogind  rlogind
| printer     stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rlpdaemon  rlpdaemon
| rpc  dgram  udp  wait    root  /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd   100005  1
| rpc  dgram  udp  wait    root  /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad  100011  1
| rpc  dgram  udp  wait    root  /usr/lib/netsvc/rstat/rpc.rstatd 
100001  1-3 rpc.rstatd
| rpc  dgram  udp  wait    root  /usr/lib/netsvc/rusers/rpc.rusersd
100002  1-2 rpc.rusersd
| rpc  dgram  udp  wait    root  /usr/lib/netsvc/rwall/rpc.rwalld
100008  1    rpc.rwalld
| rpc  dgram  udp  wait    root  /usr/lib/netsvc/spray/rpc.sprayd
100012  1    rpc.sprayd
| rpc  stream tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/rpc.rexd     100017  1
| shell        stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/remshd   remshd
| telnet       stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/telnetd  telnetd
| tftp         dgram  udp wait   root /usr/lbin/tftpd    tftpd

* Add the following entries:

| rpc dgram udp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.cmsd 100068 2-5 rpc.cmsd
| rpc xti tcp swait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserver 100083 1

* In checkinetd() of ./tiger/scripts/check_inetd following the
  "while read service ..." add an 'if' statement to ignore the
  rpc service.

|   while read service exppath currpath parm1 parms
|   do
| if [ "$service" = "rpc" ]; then
|   continue
| fi
|     if [ "$currpath" != "$exppath" ]; then

 * In ./tiger/systems/HPUX/services, change 'auth' to 'ident'.

| ident 113/tcp

 * In ./tiger/check.tbl, comment out the 'check_sendmail' line.

 * Create the signatures file.

echo " " > ./tiger/systems/HPUX/signatures
chmod 600 ./tiger/systems/HPUX/signatures

 * Modify the ./tiger/systems/HPUX/genmounts file to replace the
   ufs entry of the localfs() command with the following:

|   [ "$1" = "vxfs" ] && LOCAL=0
|   [ "$1" = "hfs" ] && LOCAL=0

 * Modify the ./tiger/systems/HPUX/fal.db file to check for
   correct permissions. The file is completely missing the
   columns for suid and sgid.

     / -> root root
     /etc -> bin bin
     /usr -> bin bin
     /usr/bin -> bin bin
     /usr/lib -> bin bin
     /dev -> bin
     /etc/bootptab -> bin
     /etc/group -> bin
     /etc/hosts -> bin
     /etc/netgroup -> bin . 0  0  1 . 0  1 0 0   1 0 0
     /etc/resolv.conf -> bin
     /etc/rpc -> bin
     /etc/services -> bin
     /etc/syslog.conf -> bin
     /bin/write -> bin
     /usr/bin/cu -> root  .     1  0  . 0 1   . 0 1   . 0 . .
     /usr/bin/uucp -> uucp  .     1  0  . 0 1   . 0 1   . 0 . .
     /usr/bin/uux -> uucp  .     1  0  . 0 1   . 0 1   . 0 . .
     /usr/bin/uuname -> uucp  .     1  0  . 0 1   . 0 1   . 0 . .
     /usr/bin/uustat -> uucp  .     1  0  . 0 1   . 0 1   . 0 . .
     /bin/login -> root  .     1  0  1 . 1   1 0 1   1 0 1
     /bin/su -> root  .     1  0  1 . 1   . 0 .   . 0 .

* Add suid files to ./tiger/systems/HPUX/suid_list:

| /sbin/lvchange
| /sbin/lvcreate
| /sbin/lvdisplay
| /sbin/lvextend
| /sbin/lvlnboot
| /sbin/lvreduce
| /sbin/lvremove
| /sbin/lvrmboot
| /sbin/lvmerge
| /sbin/lvsplit
| /sbin/lvsync
| /sbin/nomwcsyncd
| /sbin/vgsync
| /sbin/passwd
| /sbin/pvchange
| /sbin/pvck
| /sbin/pvcreate
| /sbin/pvdisplay
| /sbin/pvmove
| /sbin/pvremove
| /sbin/sdstolvm
| /sbin/shutdown
| /sbin/vgcfgbackup
| /sbin/vgcfgrestore
| /sbin/vgchange
| /sbin/vgchgid
| /sbin/vgcreate
| /sbin/vgdisplay
| /sbin/vgexport
| /sbin/vgextend
| /sbin/vgimport
| /sbin/vgreduce
| /sbin/vgremove
| /sbin/vgscan
| /usr/bin/X11/X
| /usr/bin/X11/hpterm
| /usr/bin/X11/xterm
| /usr/bin/at
| /usr/bin/bdf
| /usr/bin/cancel
| /usr/bin/chfn
| /usr/bin/chkey
| /usr/bin/chsh
| /usr/bin/crontab
| /usr/bin/ct
| /usr/bin/cu
| /usr/bin/df
| /usr/bin/disable
| /usr/bin/enable
| /usr/bin/kermit
| /usr/bin/login
| /usr/bin/lp
| /usr/bin/lpalt
| /usr/bin/lpstat
| /usr/bin/mail
| /usr/bin/mediainit
| /usr/bin/newgrp
| /usr/bin/nfsstat
| /usr/bin/nispasswd
| /usr/bin/passwd
| /usr/bin/passwd.HP-UX
| /usr/bin/pppd
| /usr/bin/rcp
| /usr/bin/rdist
| /usr/bin/remsh
| /usr/bin/rexec
| /usr/bin/rlogin
| /usr/bin/rmail
| /usr/bin/slp
| /usr/bin/su
| /usr/bin/uucp
| /usr/bin/uuls
| /usr/bin/uuname
| /usr/bin/uusnap
| /usr/bin/uustat
| /usr/bin/uux
| /usr/bin/yppasswd
| /usr/contrib/bin/X11/xconsole
| /usr/contrib/bin/X11/xterm
| /usr/contrib/bin/traceroute
| /usr/dt/bin/dtaction
| /usr/dt/bin/dtappgather
| /usr/dt/bin/dtprintinfo
| /usr/dt/bin/dtsession
| /usr/dt/bin/dtterm
| /usr/lbin/chgpt
| /usr/lbin/exrecover
| /usr/lbin/grmd
| /usr/lbin/protect_pty
| /usr/lbin/rwrite
| /usr/lbin/uucp/uucico
| /usr/lbin/uucp/uuclean
| /usr/lbin/uucp/uusched
| /usr/lbin/uucp/uusub
| /usr/lbin/uucp/uuxqt
| /usr/sam/lbin/rsam
| /usr/sbin/accept
| /usr/sbin/acct/accton
| /usr/sbin/arp
| /usr/sbin/keyenvoy
| /usr/sbin/lpadmin
| /usr/sbin/lpfence
| /usr/sbin/lpmove
| /usr/sbin/lpsched
| /usr/sbin/lpshut
| /usr/sbin/lvchange
| /usr/sbin/lvcreate
| /usr/sbin/lvdisplay
| /usr/sbin/lvextend
| /usr/sbin/lvlnboot
| /usr/sbin/lvreduce
| /usr/sbin/lvremove
| /usr/sbin/lvrmboot
| /usr/sbin/lvmerge
| /usr/sbin/lvsplit
| /usr/sbin/lvsync
| /usr/sbin/nomwcsyncd
| /usr/sbin/vgsync
| /usr/sbin/ping
| /usr/sbin/pvchange
| /usr/sbin/pvck
| /usr/sbin/pvcreate
| /usr/sbin/pvdisplay
| /usr/sbin/pvmove
| /usr/sbin/pvremove
| /usr/sbin/rcancel
| /usr/sbin/reject
| /usr/sbin/rlp
| /usr/sbin/rlpdaemon
| /usr/sbin/rlpstat
| /usr/sbin/sd
| /usr/sbin/sendmail
| /usr/sbin/swacl
| /usr/sbin/swask
| /usr/sbin/swconfig
| /usr/sbin/swcopy
| /usr/sbin/swinstall
| /usr/sbin/swjob
| /usr/sbin/swlist
| /usr/sbin/swmodify
| /usr/sbin/swpackage
| /usr/sbin/swreg
| /usr/sbin/swremove
| /usr/sbin/swverify
| /usr/sbin/vgcfgbackup
| /usr/sbin/vgcfgrestore
| /usr/sbin/vgchange
| /usr/sbin/vgchgid
| /usr/sbin/vgcreate
| /usr/sbin/vgdisplay
| /usr/sbin/vgexport
| /usr/sbin/vgextend
| /usr/sbin/vgimport
| /usr/sbin/vgreduce
| /usr/sbin/vgremove
| /usr/sbin/vgscan
| /usr/sbin/vhe/vhe_u_mnt
| /usr/tsm/sys/tsm.root
| /usr/tsm/sys/tsm.utmp
| /var/spool/pdcinfo.lck

  chmod 600 ./tiger/systems/HPUX/suid_list

* Include standard files known to have relative paths in the
  ./tiger/scripts/sub/check_suid, thus:

|        case "$file" in
|          ### Include all standard files with known relative paths
|          /sbin/lvchange) ;;
|          /sbin/lvcreate) ;;
|          /sbin/lvdisplay) ;;
|          /sbin/lvextend) ;;
|          /sbin/lvlnboot) ;;
|          /sbin/lvmerge) ;;
|          /sbin/lvsplit) ;;
|          /sbin/lvsync) ;;
|          /sbin/lvreduce) ;;
|          /sbin/lvremove) ;;
|          /sbin/lvrmboot) ;;
|          /sbin/passwd) ;;
|          /sbin/pvchange) ;;
|          /sbin/pvck) ;;
|          /sbin/pvcreate) ;;
|          /sbin/pvdisplay) ;;
|          /sbin/pvmove) ;;
|          /sbin/pvremove) ;;
|          /sbin/sdstolvm) ;;
|          /sbin/shutdown) ;;
|          /sbin/vgcfgbackup) ;;
|          /sbin/vgcfgrestore) ;;
|          /sbin/vgchange) ;;
|          /sbin/vgchgid) ;;
|          /sbin/vgchange) ;;
|          /sbin/vgdisplay) ;;
|          /sbin/vgexport) ;;
|          /sbin/vgextend) ;;
|          /sbin/vgimport) ;;
|          /sbin/vgreduce) ;;
|          /sbin/vgremove) ;;
|          /sbin/vgscan) ;;
|          /sbin/vgsync) ;;
|          /sbin/nomwcsyncd) ;;
|          /usr/bin/X11/X) ;;
|          /usr/lbin/chgpt) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/sd) ;;
|          /usr/bin/at) ;;
|          /usr/bin/chkey) ;;
|          /usr/bin/ct) ;;
|          /usr/lbin/grmd) ;;
|          /usr/sam/lbin/rsam) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swacl) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swask) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swconfig) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swcopy) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swinstall) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swjob) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swlist) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swmodify) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swpackage) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swreg) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swremove) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swverify) ;;
|          /usr/sbin/swverify) ;;
|          /usr/dt/bin/dtsession) ;;
|          /usr/dt/bin/dtterm) ;;
|          */xload)

* Create the sgid_list file:
      echo " " > ./tiger/systems/HPUX/sgid_list
      chmod 600 ./tiger/systems/HPUX/sgid_list

* Then insert the following into ./tiger/systems/HPUX/config:

|      SGID_LIST sgid_list

  following the SUID_LIST line.

* Modify ./tiger/scripts/sub/check_wdir to skip certain 'open'

|  $SORT $WORKDIR/wdir.tmp.$$ |\
|  while read DIR
|  do
|    case $DIR in
|      /dev/screen/) ;;
|      /etc/opt/resmon/log/) ;;
|      /usr/newconfig/var/stm/*) ;;
|      /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/*) ;;
|      /var/X11/Xserver/logs/) ;;
|      /var/news/) ;;
|      /var/opt/dce/rpc/local/*) ;;
|      /var/preserve/) ;;
|      /var/rbootd/) ;;
|      /var/stm/*) ;;
|      */man/cat*) ;;
|      /var/spool/calendar/*) ;;
|      /var/spool/cron/tmp/*) ;;
|      /var/spool/sockets/*) ;;
|      /var/tmp/*) ;;
|      /var/userlogs/*) ;;
|      *) echo $DIR ;;
|    esac
|  done

* In the ./tiger/scripts/check_perms script, change the section
  that checks the disk device group permissions as follows:

| #           [ "$gr$gw" != '00' ] && {
|             [ "$gr$gw" != '00' ] &&
|             [ "$gr$gw" != '10' -a "$group" != 'sys' ] && {

* Comment out the following section of

| #    case "$file" in
| #    *xterm) {
| #      message WARN misc013w "" "$file: see CERT Advisory
CA-93:17 about a security hole in xterm."
| #    }
| #    ;;
| #    esac

* Alter two AWK commands in ./tiger/scripts/check_rhosts as

|# $AWK '/address@hidden ]*$/ {print}' < "$file" |
|  $AWK '/address@hidden ]*$/ {print}' < "$file" |

|# $AWK 'BEGIN {count = 0} !/address@hidden ]*$/ {count +=
|  $AWK 'BEGIN {count = 0} !/address@hidden ]*$/ {count +=



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