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[Tlf-devel] US State QSO party contests

From: Ernest
Subject: [Tlf-devel] US State QSO party contests
Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 11:23:59 -0700 (PDT)

Looking at the data format in cty.dat, it appears that
country data follows a simple format; i.e.
CountryName: CQWWzone: ITUZone: CountryID: Lat: Lon:
TimeZone: Prefix: (and a comma separated list of

I wonder if a similar data file for US State/counties
would simplify rules/scoring additions to TLF to
permit using it with any US State QSO party contest? I
have been web surfing various US State QSO party web
sites, collecting standardized lists of county
identifiers for use in MULT_LIST data files. (See
previous post)

Changes to dup checking would also be needed to permit
working the same station twice on each band, once for
ssb and once for cw, and multipliers would count
mode/multiband.  Additionally, "rover" mobile stations
visit counties within the state, which would then
count as new multipliers since the county has changed.

I am eager to get TLF working, and tantalized by the
possibilities. How can I help? (I can't code!! sorry.)

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