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[Tlf-devel] WAEDC QTC - 1st v0.001 Beta release :)

From: Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS
Subject: [Tlf-devel] WAEDC QTC - 1st v0.001 Beta release :)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:38:41 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Dear HAM's,

I didn't know as much time as I would have liked effort required
to WAEDC-QTC patch, but now I think the part of code is ready to
test it.

The code is available from here:

(You need the git, autotools, GCC and make programs.)

What it knows:
- forked from waedc branch, which handle points and multi's
- currently only the send directions working
- actually, the Tlf _doesn't_ send really the QTC's, so just
  handles the lists, so you can try it bravely.

Short intro, if somebody wants to helps to test it:

- here is a logcfg.dat, rules, and a short log, if you don't want
  to make it from scratch:
- you can send QTC from only the current QSO, that mean you can't
  send when you save the last QSO (and go to edit it)
- only can send QTC, when the callsign field is filled, and the
  active field is exchange number
- then, if you want to send QTC, press ALT+S - the QTC send
  window will open (ALT+S means Send, ALT+R means Receive)
- there is the current callsign, QTC serial, and number of QTC's
- current callsign will be excluded from QTC list, and will send
  next time
- if you press F2, all QTC's will be sent, and will marked with
  an asterix (*) the end of line
- if you press ENTER, you can send it one by one (eg. repeat onyl
  one or more QTC)
- if some QTC has not been sent, you can unmark is with DELETE
- if you press ESC, QTC window will disappear; then if you press
  again ALT+S, and you will see the marked (sent) members
- if you hide the QTC window, and press ENTER (save the contest
  QSO), QTC list will be saved with QSO
- if you exit the program and start it again, QTC log will be
  parsed, and next QTC will generated by from the next block
  (excluding the current callsign again...)

If you have _ANY_ question, bug report, or feature request, just
plese send me an e-mail.

Now I will start to make the receive direction, and connect to
RTTY program (I'm using gMFSK).

Thanks for the helps :)



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