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Re: [Tlf-devel] Tlf QTC receive pre-final

From: Larry Levesque
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Tlf QTC receive pre-final
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:51:19 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.0

I have experienced a few segfaults when moving between fields in the QTC window but overall nice work!

On 11/07/2013 07:15 PM, Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS wrote:
Hello all,

so, after a few weeks hard working, it looks like QTC
implementation for Tlf is ready to test at this weekend, on

You can find it on

This is a very short intro how to receive the QTC's from a

* you can use MINITERM or not, it doesn't matter
* in a normal QSO, you can fill the callsign and contest serial
  fields; first the callsign, then serial
* if all data has received, press [ENTER] ONCE!
* now Tlf send through Fldigi your report and serial, what you
  set up, eg: "CFM UR 599 111"
* always wait to Fldigi finishes the sending of actual message
* if station ask "TX/RX QTC?", or any form it asks you about
  the QTC, you press ALT+r
* then QTC receive window opened, and Tlf sends a message
  automatically: "QTC QRV"
* in the window, Tlf shows the CAPTURE mode, the default mode
  is off, when window opened
* if you start to type the QTC serial, the capture will switch to
  ON, and if the length of received line is greater than 12, it
  will be parsed
* you can turn on and off the CAPTURE with ALT+c
* if you fill the number of QTC's, the numbers will turned on at
  begin of lines
* if MINITERM is turned on, you can see the received lines;
  always the second line from bottom will be parsed; if MINITERM
  is off, you can't see, but the point is that if there is a new
  line, which length are greater than 12, will be parsed
* now the Tlf tries to parse all lines, and fill the fields
* if any field contains illegal character (eg: the time and
  serial fields can contains only numbers), it will be replaced
  with a '?', and that line will be marked as incomplete
* you can modify the fields content, just move to the field with
  top/bottom cursors, and TAB/Shift+TAB keys, and change the char
  what you think is invalid; then that line will be marked as
* if all field is filled right, and you are in serial (third)
  field, press [ENTER], the line will be marked as complete, and
  an '*' char will indicates this the end of line
* if the number of QTC lines reaches the number which you gave,
  the CAPTURE will be turned off
* remember: you can turn out and off the CAPTURE
* if all lines are complete and marked, and you are the last
  line, then press [ENTER]
* now Tlf will close the window, and send through Fldig a message
  to station: "QSL ALL QTC"
* then if you press [ENTER] again, the QSO and QTC block will be
* if one or more QTC is incomplete, just move to that in last
  field (serial), and press [ENTER], then Tlf send a message
  through Fldigi: "05 PSE AGN" - don't send more that one QTC
  repeat in same time! Remember, always wait wait for Fldigi
  finished the sending of message!
* then you can edit the QTC line, and if all QTC are marked,
  station will get the QSL ALL QTC message
* if all QTC are good, you can press [F2], that will be marked 
  as complete all lines; then if you press [ENTER], you will
  close the window and send "QSL ALL QTC" message

* there is a small Python script, which can helps to test the
  receive method; the script in tlf source root dir, and called
  to use it just type:
  /path/to/ /path/to/tlf/waedc/waedc.log
  it reads your log, and creates QTC's from that. Of course, you
  need more that 10 QSO in logfile
  for test, you can donwload a test logfile:
* if somebody wants to test on the air, I welcome to try; there
  is 1 day to contest, if we find any bug, I could fix it



Larry Levesque

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