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Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF-1.2.2 prerelease 2

From: Fred Siegmund
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF-1.2.2 prerelease 2
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 23:00:12 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.2.0

Hi Tom&Ervin,

new bandmap tracking worked very well. One small bug: if there are 2 spots only 0.1KHz away from each other, the cursor "jumps over" one spot.

73 Fred

Am 22.09.2015 um 20:16 schrieb Thomas Beierlein:
I would like to announce the second prerelease for the coming TLF-1.2.2.
You can find it at

or download it from github. The main changes since pre release 1 are
fixes and improvements for the WAEDC code and some first steps to
improve the bandmap display.

New features:
     * Improved bandmap display
       - display actual QRG on bandmap
       - center bandmap around QRG
       - update bandmap every second
       - do not show WARC spots in contest mode

     Improvements to WAEDC QTC handling (by HA2OS)
     * allow a list of stations known to give QTC's (maybe from last year)
       If you use this option, then Tlf will put a "P" flag (means "previous")
       near known station ifrom the list on bandmap, and in worked window.
       Eg: 7001.0 * R9AA P
     * new QTC capable flags: 'L': 'later', 'N': 'NO'
       You can mark a station on the bandmap for QTC "L"ater or "N"o QTC
       with Ctrl-L and CTRL-N respective. Flags will automatically deleted
       as soon as you get at least one QTC from the station.
       The flags will be stored in a separated file, called
       QTC_meta.log. If you exit from Tlf, and you start it again
       later, the marked informations will be available.
     * stations which can give still more QTC's will not be marked as
       dupe on the bandmap
     * Set QTC_AUTO_FILLTIME keyword in logcfg.dat to automatically fill in the
       the hour for the QTC time
       (Some stations send only a short time format, e.g. "34 DL3XYZ 9999").
       CTRL-F just fills in the last received hour if QTC_AUTO_FILLTIME
       is not enabled.
     * You can use ENTER or SPACE to advance between fields in the QTC window.
     * manually start and stop QTC recording with CTRL-R in QTC window,

Bug fixes:

     * Fix some problems with using LAN mode for WAEDC

For our native english speakers: It would be nice if you could have a
look at the README_QTC.txt and README_QTC_RTTY.txt and help us to
improve the text - Ervin HA2OS is a good coder but some help in
translation would be appreciated.

As always please test and give some feedback.

As for the plan for the tlf-1.2.2 itself. We would like to fix the
following problems before the final release:

- Complete a native cabrillo generation for WAEDC contest
- Improve the documentation for WAEDC
- Do some further fixes and cleanups

If all goes well we expect the final version around mid or end of

73, de Tom DL1JBE

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