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Re: [vile] Error finding

From: Paul van Tilburg
Subject: Re: [vile] Error finding
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 14:40:47 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

On Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 08:28:08AM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, Paul van Tilburg wrote:
>> This works great but, because I'm no longer calling LaTeX from within
>> vile, the "error finder" does not work anymore.  However, the
>> watch-and-compile system drops an error file when compiling (so when
>> editin foo.tex, it creates foo.err).
>> My macro skills are still limited, so I wanted to ask you for some
>> pointers on how I can pull in the error file and use the error finder as
>> I was used to?
> It sounds essentially as if you need a macro that loads the file and sets
> the error-buffer to it.  Here's a quick try at it - seems to work:
> store-procedure layers
>         ~local %cbufname
>         setv %cbufname $cbufname
>         ~quiet edit-file 'foo.err'
>         error-buffer 'foo.err'
>         buffer %cbufname
> ~endm

Ok, that works, thanks. It is a start though, because there are a few issues.
If the filename is longer than 20 (?) chars, the buffername will not
match the filename anymore.
Also, when I save, the LaTeX file is recompiled, the .err file is
replaced but vile doesn't notice that.  I can switch to it, answer yes
to the reload?  question, switch back and then use ^X-^X again.  Is
there any way to automate this in the sense that..  where should I hook 
that up?


PhD Student @ Eindhoven                     | email: address@hidden
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: address@hidden
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