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Re: [Xlog-discussion] Log as diary

From: Leigh L Klotz, Jr.
Subject: Re: [Xlog-discussion] Log as diary
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:09:51 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.10a-1.fc6

Sounds like you want what I want, a combination ham log/web log.

I use a small client to generate weblog entries and publish them using APP
to a weblog, and use microformats to mark up the resulting entries.  The
microformat matches XDIF; i.e.,
 <div class="qso"><a href="http://www.qrz.com/callsign/AA6E"; class="om
control callsign">AA6E</a> called me on <span class="band">20M</span>
<span class="mode">CW</span> and I gave him <span class="tx
rst">599</span> for his <span class="om equipment rig">TenTec
Omni</span></div> and he sent <span class="rx rst">559C</span> for my
<span class="my equipment rig">Tuna Tin Two</span> at <span class="my
equipment power">250mW</span>.

I can generate this from a wiki-like markup:
  QRZ:AA6E called me on BAND:20M MODE:CW and I gave him TXRST:599 for his
OMRIG:{TenTec Omni} and he sent TXRST:559C for my RIG:{Tuna Tin Two} at

I'd like to take a direct mapping from XDIF and generate chatty reports
like the above, plus include other text I generate from QSO notes, but at
the moment I just type the above wiki-like markup.

Since it's a mapping from the XDIF tags, XDIF support would help this as
you could transform the XDIF entries directly to ATOM with the embedded
XHTML markup and the microformat attributes.

Microformats are useful because (the theory goes) a search engine could
find the QSO records that way.  There are some for address book and resume
searches, but none for XDIF microformat QSO records, hi hi.


> Here's a small suggestion.  In my old written logs, I would enter
> various non-operating information: changes in antennas, new equipment,
> mailing batches of QSL cards, propagation notes, and what-not.
> I don't see any facility for that in any logging software I've used,
> including xlog - everything is a 'contact'.
> It would be nice to have a "comment" record not related to a contact.
> Text with no special formatting, except maybe a date field.
> I see that I can make a QSO entry with remarks but no call sign.  I
> suppose that's OK as far as the database is concerned, but it doesn't
> get displayed well -- off the right of my screen, usually.  Would a
> no-call record screw up ADI exchanges?
> 73, Martin AA6E
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