I sent this message last week but it didn't get attention until now. In a more general way, is there any written philosophy against \write18 and its implementation in AucTeX? ----------- Since Inkscape is able to incorporate TeX code , I was wondering if AucTeX
could include the "-shell-escape" option to pdflatex command.
This option seems to have been discussed in 2005...
The idea, has presented in this example:
is to compile a LaTeX file from AucTeX and to execute inkscape with a command
line during the LaTeX compilation.
The \write18 facility of TeX could be a window to insecurity as any shell
command. But from within Emacs/AucTeX I am not highly exposed.
In order to implement it in AucTeX and because I also need the --synctex=1, I
did a workaround by changing in tex.el:
(defvar TeX-synctex-tex-flags "-shell-escape --synctex=1"
"Extra flags to pass to TeX commands to enable SyncTeX.")
There is probably a way to add a clean independent defcustom with a more
specific name related to shell-escape, but I don't know how.
Thanks for your help,