This is my first post to this list. Please be patient, as I am a non-native speaker and also relatively new to GNU Emacs and AUCTeX. The very first thing I would like to say is: Thanks a lot for a truly convenient and liberating experience while writing LaTeX in GNU Emacs!
When trying to set up my multifile document in AUCTeX 11.85, everything worked just fine until I wanted to use the ctables package [1]. My actual problem is that ctable's interface is a macro which takes a `label` option. So in the end it looks e.g. like:
This works well when the `\ref{tab:mytable}` reference is inside the same LaTeX document as the label definition, i.e. the ctable macro. The problem is that my AUCTeX version cannot resolve this reference in multifile setup. Otherwise, multifile works like a charm by the way.