I have been using AucTeX with emacs for many (20?) years with Fedora Linux
and had absolutely no trouble - it is en axcellent system.
However, circumstances have recently forced me to use Windows 7 for some of my work (don't ask!). I have found a huge number of ways to install AucTeX, in particular
how to get emacs to recognise, load and use AucTeX via the conguration file (.emacs
or perhaps _emacs?).
I have put the auctex directory into the directory c:/emacs/site-lisp
in compliance with where it sits in Fedora (i.e, in emacs/24.4) and copied
my .emacs from Fedora to C:/_emacsĀ but nothing happens!
I know this sounds stupid but I am getting too old to risk my blood pressure with much more effort on this.