In my config, I have
(setq TeX-clean-default-intermediate-suffixes
'("\\.aux" "\\.bbl" "\\.bcf" "\\.blg" "\\.brf" "\\.dvi" "\\.ent"
"\\.fdb_latexmk" "\\.fls" "\\.fmt" "\\.fot" "\\.glo" "\\.gls"
"\\.synctex\\.gz" "\\.idx" "\\.ilg" "\\.ind" "\\.lof" "\\.log"
"\\.lot" "\\.nav" "\\.out" "\\.rel" "\\.rip" "\\.snm" "\\.tags"
"\\.toc" "\\.url" "\\.vrb" "\\.run\\.xml"))
I added a number of extra extensions to the default value for files created by
RefTeX, Beamer, Synctex, etc. I want to clean up all these files once I'm done
with a document.
However, this does not work. E.g., it leaves RefTeX's .rel files around. Why
is that? Is it because TeX-clean-default-intermediate-suffixes is defined by a
defvar in tex.el, rather than a defcustom? Shouldn't this be a customizable
option in the first place? If not, what is the proper way to add the extra