You should probably customize
just provides the default value for
`LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes`, which
is why it's not a defcustom. (I assume that setting it doesn't
have any effect
because its value is not checked when cleaning out files. The
value of
`LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes` is used for that.
Thanks. I checked `LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes` and its
original value is
("\\.aux" "\\.bbl" "\\.bcf" "\\.blg" "\\.brf" "\\.dvi" "\\.ent"
"\\.fdb_latexmk" "\\.fls" "\\.fmt" "\\.fot" "\\.glo" "\\.gls"
"\\.synctex\\.gz" "\\.idx" "\\.ilg" "\\.ind" "\\.lof" "\\.log"
"\\.nav" "\\.out" "\\.rel" "\\.rip" "\\.snm" "\\.tags" "\\.toc"
"\\.vrb" "\\.run\\.xml" "\\.acn" "\\.acr" "\\.alg" "\\.glg"
which is my list, appended with ("\\.acn" "\\.acr" "\\.alg"
"\\.glg" "\\.ist")
as it should be from latex.el at (defcustom
at line 6061.
But the actual value is
("Notes\\.bib" "\\.tdo" "\\.aux" "\\.bbl" "\\.blg" "\\.brf"
"\\.glo" "\\.gls" "\\.idx" "\\.ilg" "\\.ind" "\\.lof" "\\.log"
"\\.nav" "\\.out" "\\.snm" "\\.toc" "\\.url" "\\.synctex\\.gz"
"\\.run\\.xml" "\\.fls" "-blx\\.bib" "\\.acn" "\\.acr" "\\.alg"
"\\.ist" "\\.fdb_latexmk" "\\.aux.bak" "\\.fls")
So it seems `LaTeX-clean-intermediate-suffixes` *does* pick up
my setq for
`TeX-clean-default-intermediate-suffixes`, but then something
overrides it. I
never use any "Notes.bib" file, so I don't think it's something
in my config.
Do you have any suggestions what it might be?