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inconsistency in c.ssh and cpp.ssh

From: Klaus Froboese
Subject: inconsistency in c.ssh and cpp.ssh
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 18:08:39 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.4i

Dear developpers,

to say it first: I like a2ps!  I already use it for quite a long time
and had no problems with it.

I don't know whether there are strict guidelines how to sort the
keywords to categories, however I suppose ther is a slight
inconsistency in the style sheets c.ssh (version 1.4) and cpp.ssh
(version 1.3):

The keyword "class" in cpp.ssh is made Keyword_strong whereas "struct"
in c.ssh is made a simple Keyword.  Since both have the semantics,
to my opinion they should appear in the same way.

As far as I know, 

class Example {


struct Example {

behave the same, at least my compilers seem to make no difference.  

I would like to suggest that both should be Keyword_strong, because
they *define* a new type in C++, which is later used without the
keyword (so there is no danger that the code is littered). That is
quite different in meaning from keywords as "int", "double" etc.

The same argument would apply to "enum".

"typedef" is made Keyword_strong.  However, this is a matter of taste,
to which category it should be added, because it doesn't really
create a new type, but defines only an alias.  My tendency is to leave
it Keyword_strong.

And now the important question:  Unfortunately I am not system
administrator.  How can I arrange things that they will work this way
on my LINUX machine.

Thank you in advance
best wishes

Klaus Frob"ose

Dr. Klaus Frob"ose               Tel: +49 7531 88-3860
Universit"at Konstanz            Fax: +49 7531 88-3090
Fachbereich Physik
Fach M 680

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