Dear Fred,
Thanks for the feedback. Everything has been corrected.
The ∆ function has an interesting history. Before the diamond operator, we sometimes needed a way to put several unrelated lines on the same APL function line - mainly for neatness. To accomplish this, we defined ∆ that took two arguments and returned the left. This gave the affect of multiple unrelated lines but required that the right argument ended with a value rather than a branch.
When the diamond operator came out, we were all bewildered that APL processes right to left (for good reasons), but the diamond operator worked left to right. Strange, unexpected, and it threw out all the reasons to process from right to left.
All my code was written with the old ∆ function. I suppose I'll switch to the diamond operator sometime soon.
In an effort to create a "package" out of the editor, I added E∆ in front of all the functions in order to distinguish the editor functions from those of your application. So ∆ became E∆. The function you had trouble with was copied from my utilities after I made that change, so one function missed the change. I didn't notice because I have the ∆ function too. It's all fixed now.