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Re: [Bug-apl] RNG

From: Juergen Sauermann
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] RNG
Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 18:56:31 +0200
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Hi Elias,

yes, even better! I was thinking of */dev/random *but that one blocks immediately
due to lack of entropy.

/// Jürgen

On 05/18/2016 06:41 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:

In that case, one can just open /dev/urandom and read random data from there. That algorithm is supposed to be cryptographically secure.

On 19 May 2016 12:39 a.m., "Juergen Sauermann" <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:


    does not work because Xiao-Yong is looking for a portable solution.

    A simple and fast - although not portable - solution is this:

    1. write your favourite RNG in C/C++ (ie. copy the source code
    from Numerical Recipes
       and write the random number, say 8 bytes each, to stdout,

    2. *popen()* the C/C++ program with ⎕FIO like:

    *      Handle←⎕FIO[24] 'path-to-the**-C-program'*

    Every chunk of 8 bytes *fread()* with, say,

    *      256⊥8 ⎕FIO[6] Handle**
    will then be one (signed) random number.
    You can also read several random numbers in one go).

    The above essentially pipes the output of your C/C++ RND directly
    into GNU APL.

    The code below will probably run faster if you can avoid to
    convert between integers and bit vectors
    too often (like in bit∆mult) and pre-compute constants like
    *(⌽¯1+⍳64)* beforehand.

    /// Jürgen

    On 05/18/2016 05:44 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
    How about implementing this as a native quad-function?

    On 18 May 2016 at 23:09, Xiao-Yong Jin <address@hidden
    <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

I translated a simple RNG from the book, Numerical Recipes. APL code is slow, probably because of the bit operations. The bit operations are not portable, relying on ¯1=2⊥64⍴1
        (always a 64-bit signed integer), for which Dyalog does
        differently. I’d welcome some suggestions.  Full code follows.

        ∇z←x bit∆add y
         ⍝ 64-bit-vector addition as unsigned int.

        ∇z←x bit∆mul y
         ⍝ 64-bit-vector multiplication as unsigned int.

        ∇z←n bit∆shift x
         ⍝ Shift vector x by n positions with filler ↑0↑x.
         ⍝ Shift direction is (1 ¯1=×n)/'left' 'right'.
         nonzero: z←((×n)×⍴x)↑n↓x

         (u v w)←ran∆state
         u←((64⍴2)⊤7046029254386353087) bit∆add u bit∆mul
         v←v≠¯17 bit∆shift v
         v←v≠31 bit∆shift v
         v←v≠¯8 bit∆shift v
         w←(¯32 bit∆shift w) bit∆add ((64⍴2)⊤4294957665) bit∆mul
         ran∆state←u v w
         r←u≠21 bit∆shift u
         r←r≠¯35 bit∆shift r
         r←r≠4 bit∆shift r
         r←w≠r bit∆add v

         ⍝ Returns a random 64-bit floating point number in the range
        of [0,1).

        ∇ran∆init j;u;v;w
         ran∆state←u v w



         ran∆init 12345
         →(∧/n≠0 3 99)/nosave
         expected←¯2246894694364600497 0.9394142395716724714
        1367803369 2961111174787631927 0.1878554618793005226
        3059533365 ¯1847334932704710330 0.7547241536014889229 1532567919
         pass←(r=expected),0 1 2 9 10 11 297 298 299,r,[1.5]expected

        > On May 17, 2016, at 1:41 PM, Juergen Sauermann
        <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
        > Hi Xiao-Yong,
        > I have fixed the redundant %, see SVN 728.
        > Regarding length, the GNU APL generator is 64-bit long (and
        so are
        > GNU APL integers), which should suffice for most purposes.
        > Regarding bit vectors in APL, most people use integer 0/1
        > for that (and then you have all boolean functions
        available) and
        > 2⊥ resp. 2 2 2 ... 2⊤ for conversions between 0/1 vectors
        and integers
        > You can also call into C/C++ libraries from GNU APL using
        native functions.
        > /// Jürgen
        > On 05/17/2016 07:44 PM, Xiao-Yong Jin wrote:
        >> Hi,
        >>> On May 17, 2016, at 12:06 PM, Juergen Sauermann
        >>>  wrote:
        >>> Hi Xiao-Yong,
        >>> the reason is that ⎕RL is defined as a single integer in
        the ISO standard.
        >>> That prevents generators with a too large state.
        >> Okay.  I was thinking whether ⎕RL can be an integer
        vector.  Even a combined generator with a 3-int-state would
        be quite useful for numerical simulations if it could be.
        >>> For somebody seriously into simulations a general purpose
        >>> will never suffice, but it is fairly easy to program one
        in APL.
        >> We definitely don’t want to make it cryptographically
        strong, but as a general purpose one, I would hope for decent
        high quality for relatively long monte carlo simulations.
        >> I don’t see an easy implementation because we don’t have
        exact 64bit unsigned integers and bit operations in APL.  If
        any of you on this list have suggestions in implementing a
        good RNG in APL, please let me know.
        >>> c++11 is currently not an option because I would like to
        not reduce the
        >>> portability of GNU APL onto different platforms.
        >>> I'll have a look at the % usage.
        >>> /// Jürgen
        >>> On 05/17/2016 06:16 PM, Xiao-Yong Jin wrote:
        >>>> Hi,
        >>>> The LCG used for roll may be fine for some casual uses,
        but I would really like to see a higher quality RNG adopted
        here. Since speed may not be the main concern here, employing
        the use of c++11 <random> and preferably using the
        std::mt19937_64 seems to be much better for any monte carlo
        type calculations.  It could be a trivial change to Quad_RL
        class, although saving the RNG state in a workspace may
        require a bit more code.  What do you say?
        >>>> By the way, since in Workspace::get_RL 'return rand %
        mod;', you can remove the same ‘%’ in all the bif_roll
        >>>> Best,
        >>>> Xiao-Yong

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