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Re: coreutils-5.1.3 released: bug-fix-only, candidate for stable 5.2.0

From: Michael Elizabeth Chastain
Subject: Re: coreutils-5.1.3 released: bug-fix-only, candidate for stable 5.2.0
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 08:09:10 -0500 (EST)

  $ x=//
  $ eval "echo \$x"

Okay, I confirm this on spe147.testdrive.hp.com with /bin/sh.

  $ echo / // /// //// .// //.
  / / // /// ./ //.

Confirmed.  This also happens with /usr/bin/echo.

  $ set -x
  $ echo abc| tr -t ab //
  + echo abc
  + tr -t ab /

Confirmed on the "+" lines, but I get:

  address@hidden echo abc | tr -t ab //
  + echo abc
  + tr -t ab /
  tr: illegal option -- t
  Usage: tr [ -c | -cds | -cs | -ds | -s ] [-A] String1 String2
         tr [ -cd | -cs | -d | -s ] [-A] String1

Michael C

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