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[Bug-ddrescue] recover single files from NTFS partition?

From: RD
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] recover single files from NTFS partition?
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 23:49:55 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060212)


Everything I read about ddrescue seems to imply trying to recover whole partitions. Can I also use it to recover single files from an otherwise good NTFS partition?

It's a 10 GB partition, and I don't have so much free space anywhere now. All I want is a couple of damaged email files of around 100 MB.

Can I mount the NTFS partition and "ddrescue /mnt/ntfs/my_mail_file logfile"? I understand the file may be not be laid out in one piece on the disk and may be fragmented.

In other words, I guess my real question is: does ddrescue copy disk blocks one after the other, or when given a file, does it just ask the filesystem module/driver/whatever to return the relevant blocks which it can read?



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