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[Bug-ddrescue] How to increase retries within a pass?

From: Jarkko Lavinen
Subject: [Bug-ddrescue] How to increase retries within a pass?
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:41:33 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

The documentaion says "Every bad sector is tried only one time
per pass."

Is there a way to increase retries per each failed sector before
proceeding to the next?

After 3 weeks of running ddrescues I've reached 99.996% rescue
status and the remaining bad sectors are very stubborn. Reads
stall frequently and I have to use timeout and "while true" shell
loop to continue. Most of the time is spent on the timeouts.

For eaxample, the "while true" ddrescue loop has been running for
14 hours and restarted 92 times with "ddrescue -T 600".  At the
same time the non-tried area count descreased 1120, over 10 times
bigger than the loop restart count.

Looks to me 8% reads got stuck and all the time is spent in long
timeouts. Retrying non-stuck sectors on the spot wouldn't hurt.

Jarkko Lavinen

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