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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Error in logfile line 0

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Error in logfile line 0
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2015 17:19:00 +0200
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Hola Gonzalo.

Gonzalo de la Mota wrote:
I have been running ddrescue for two days to dump from one usb disk to a
file on another usb disk (plenty of space, from a 320Gb disk to a 2Tb disk
with 1Tb free). Somebody moved the destination usb and it got disconnected.
I did a Q+Enter to stop, and when I tried to startup I got the following

ddrescue: error in logfile rescued.log, line 0.

I don't see anything wrong with the logfile (then again I don't know
exactly what to look for). It seems to be the same error as (

Yes, it seems the same error.

Your logfile is OK, as reported by 'ddrescuelog -t':
$ ddrescuelog -t rescued.log

   current pos:   200038 MB,  current status: copying
logfile extent:   320072 MB,  in   3973 area(s)

       rescued:   155269 MB,  in    734 area(s)  ( 48.51%)
     non-tried:   164658 MB,  in   1258 area(s)  ( 51.44%)
   non-trimmed:   144408 kB,  in   1981 area(s)  (  0.04%)
   non-scraped:         0 B,  in      0 area(s)  (  0%)
       errsize:         0 B,  errors:         0  (  0%)

The "line 0" in the error message from ddrescue indicates that ddrescue can open the logfile but can't read even a single byte from the logfile. I have been unable to reproduce the error, but does the logfile have the right permissions? Is the destination filesystem corrupted?

"1) Optionally read a logfile describing the status of a multi-part or
interrupted rescue. If no logfile is specified or is empty or does not
exist, mark all the rescue domain as non-tried."

Does this mean that I should put all the status in the logfile as '?' ?

No. You would lost all the work done if you do this.

You just need to find a way for ddrescue to read the logfile, just as I read it with ddrescuelog above.

Best regards,

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