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Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Need a replacement for System Rescue CD as an environ

From: Christian Franke
Subject: Re: [Bug-ddrescue] Need a replacement for System Rescue CD as an environment for running ddrescue on Windows PC
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 22:59:38 +0100
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Shahrukh Merchant wrote:
Hello, I have successfully used System Rescue CD as my go-to environment for running ddrescue. Unfortunately, System Rescue CD is no longer being maintained (ddrescue there is stuck at 1.21r1), and I really would like to use the latest version of ddrescue (among other reasons, one of my requested changes to ddrescue was kindly incorporated by Antonio in 1.23).

Is there another easy-to-create (e.g., ISO image directly available) live Unix CD that has the basics I need to run ddrescue and keeps ddrescue better updated? My workflow only uses:
    lsblk (to determine device IDs)
    ntfs-3g (to mount Windows partition/drive)
(and of course basic Unix commands like ls, cd, etc.). I do not use the other "rescue" features of System Rescue CD, not in this workflow at any rate.

ALT Linux usually updates packages quickly and provides "Rescue" images with weekly auto builds:

The latest "tested" version provides kernel 4.19.10, ddrescue 1.23 and ntfs-3g 2017.3.23:


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