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bug#74496: 30.0.91; fullscreen frame set with F11 is shifted when ctwm r

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#74496: 30.0.91; fullscreen frame set with F11 is shifted when ctwm restarts
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 11:30:45 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

> To stay on topic on this bug, without frame-resize-pixelwise being set
> t, F11 fullscreen achieves maximized fullscreen.  When ctwm restart
> occurs and when the gap appears on the bottom edge of emacs relative to
> the desktop background, couldn't a screen refresh controlled by emacs

Automatically?  Emacs is oblivious of ctwm restarts.  All it gets are
unmap, map and configure events.

> call F11 fullscreen, again, and preserve the experience of maximized
> fullscreen?  That being the case there's no need to insert in init file
>               (setq-default frame-resize-pixelwise t)
> Toggle on the fullboth full screen Window Zoom produces the gap at the
> bottom edge before ctwm restart and that is solved by the above init
> file setting.  Do you see what I mean?

Not really.  The gap results from the fact that after ctwm restarts the
frame has become "normal" again and ctwm applies the resize hints on it.
If 'frame-resize-pixelwise' is nil, ctwm rounds the height to the next
multiple of the frame's line height (+ the basic size).

But you might be able to enhance the f11 specification I sent you
earlier to first shrink the frame by a few pixels and then toggle the
fullboth status again.  So you would have to hit f11 after each ctwm


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