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bug#74496: 30.0.91; fullscreen frame set with F11 is shifted when ctwm r

From: Van Ly
Subject: bug#74496: 30.0.91; fullscreen frame set with F11 is shifted when ctwm restarts
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 11:28:37 +0000

martin rudalics <rudalics@gmx.at> writes:

                  Emacs is oblivious of ctwm restarts.  All it gets are
> unmap, map and configure events.

A watch guard on the full height parameter would notice the effect ctwm
restart has taken place and the value has changed but maybe emacs can't
tell the difference between human or environment invoked change on the
height parameter.  A heuristic could suggest to emacs ctwm restarted
when the bottom edge is raised less than 10 pixels.

>  > call F11 fullscreen, again, and preserve the experience of maximized
>  > fullscreen?  That being the case there's no need to insert in init file
>  >
>  >               (setq-default frame-resize-pixelwise t)
>  >
>  > Toggle on the fullboth full screen Window Zoom produces the gap at the
>  > bottom edge before ctwm restart and that is solved by the above init
>  > file setting.  Do you see what I mean?
> Not really.  The gap results from the fact that after ctwm restarts the
> frame has become "normal" again and ctwm applies the resize hints on it.
> If 'frame-resize-pixelwise' is nil, ctwm rounds the height to the next
> multiple of the frame's line height (+ the basic size).

Why is it that F11 fullscreen maximizes the frame without gap at bottom?
When frame-resize-pixelwise is nil, shouldn't the frame's line height
effect leave a gap at bottom?

> But you might be able to enhance the f11 specification I sent you
> earlier to first shrink the frame by a few pixels and then toggle the
> fullboth status again.  So you would have to hit f11 after each ctwm
> restart.

Before knowing to apply frame-resize-pixelwise t, as is, I would hit F11
to regain the maximized fullscreen without gap after ctwm restart.

With frame-resize-pixelwise t I don't need to hit F11 after restart
because the maximized fullscreen without gap persists.


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