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Re: PSPP-BUG: "ERROR I/O" on a large database on version 0.7.9 Win7 bina

From: Harry Thijssen
Subject: Re: PSPP-BUG: "ERROR I/O" on a large database on version 0.7.9 Win7 binary
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 21:51:42 +0200


>I did run the test three times today, with similar results on each run.
>However, I was not able to find the temp folders on the second two runs as they did not show up as far as I could tell.

The intension is that these files are only generated when needed, maybe because "SHOW ALL" is used or if a large run writes data to it.
They should be deleted when psppire ends. This is not always the case so if they are not there after the end of psppire that is the intended behaviour. :-)

Take care when a file is open in MSWIndows you can't see their size. So you can only tell the size of the files when they are closed. In that case they should be removed but that is not always the case.
Tricky to do much assumptions on this.


Have fun

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