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Re: PSPP-BUG: [bug #40065] Make GUI usable when working

From: Bastián Díaz
Subject: Re: PSPP-BUG: [bug #40065] Make GUI usable when working
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 23:31:10 -0700 (PDT)

I have had the same problem, whether using big data, or not so powerful computers.

When taught to use PSPP to my friends, I tell them simply have to wait. In the above problem, had thought of proposing a simple indicator of load (spinner), as well by using the GUI, it would show that the program is working.

A mockup of the proposal:
The idea is that this modal dialog appears once selected procedure is executed.

I'm not a developer, but if it shows the percentage of progress is a good thing, however, would not be so good if this affects the overall performance of PSPP, as this more limited data using large or complex procedures, on computers with limited hardware.

As an example I mention that I can use PSPP with data including 5,000 cases and more than 100 variables in a small netbook, as using SPSS could not perform.

I guess the solution may take some time, but a first approach could be to add a general load indicator whose function is to show the user that the software is running. (and does not it look like you were frozen)

Bastián Díaz

De: Michel Boaventura <address@hidden>
Para: Michel Boaventura <address@hidden>; address@hidden
Enviado: Jueves, 19 de septiembre, 2013 2:13:55
Asunto: PSPP-BUG: [bug #40065] Make GUI usable when working


                Summary: Make GUI usable when working
                Project: PSPP
            Submitted by: michelboaventura
            Submitted on: Qui 19 Set 2013 02:13:55 BRT
                Category: Graphical User Interface
                Severity: 1 - Wishlist
                  Status: None
            Assigned to: None
            Open/Closed: Open
        Discussion Lock: Any
                Release: None
                  Effort: 0.00



I'm starting to work with PSPP with *large* files. The smallest one has
50,000,000 cases in a 3GB file. PSPP can handle it fine (specially compared
with spss), but it freezes while my syntax is being executed.

It would be very nice if PSPP could not freeze the screen and even better if
it shows the number (or proportion) of cases done.

I'm really willing to help code this feature if someone could direct me.


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