Charles Philip Chan <> writes:
and here is the backtrace:
(gdb) backtrace
#0 0x408cf437 in _pixmap_combine_alpha (context=0x824aba8,
source_im=0x8451dd0, source_alpha=0x8502df8, dest_im=0x82fef78,
dest_alpha=0x8502e18, srect={x = 0, y = 0, width = 253, height = 188},
op=NSCompositeSourceOver, drawMechanism=XGDM_FAST32, fraction=1)
at XGBitmap.m:153
#1 0x408e15cf in
_i_XGGState___compositeGState_fromRect_toPoint_op_fraction_ (
self=0x82fddf8, _cmd=0x409143b0, source=0x82fe9d8, fromRect={origin = {
x = 0, y = 0}, size = {width = 253, height = 187.942856}}, toPoint={
x = 2, y = 23.5285721}, op=NSCompositeSourceOver, delta=1) at
[Note the above is reformatted and abbreviated]
Ok, I this bug is most probably caused by the fact that the
height is rounded up from 187.942856 --> 188.
The following patch will always round the size of the
rectangle down. So, if you can reproduce the crash, could
you check if this patch fixes it?