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Re: Coordinate transformatioins [Was: Release of gui libraries]

From: Willem Rein Oudshoorn
Subject: Re: Coordinate transformatioins [Was: Release of gui libraries]
Date: 28 Jan 2002 22:23:07 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.1

Willem Rein Oudshoorn <woudshoo@xs4all.nl> writes:
> Thanks.  I have found the problem, also there is a quick fix but
> it might not be the correct fix.  

[text skipped]

> Now the quick fix is to modify setSize in NSImage to round the size
> downwards to the nearest integer.  
> This is a reasonable fix if we assume that Bitmaps will not/are not
> subject to the coordinate transformations from Postscript --> Device 
> coordinates.

Sorry to followup on my own post.  
After reading some documentation I have come to the conclusion that this is
NOT a correct fix.  The correct fix will involve modifying the 


method and or friends.  
However, I do not like changing these methods just a few days
before a release.  

So I suggest that we do the rounding in setSize for this release.

I sincerly hope however that Nicola or someone else looks at it.
But I can not image this making the situation worse than it is.

It will only have an effect when a non-integer size of an image
is specified.  And I think that this only happens when images
are resize. This should not impact the normal gui refreshing and

2002-01-28  Willem Rein Oudshoorn  <woudshoo@xs4all.nl>

        * gui/Source/NSImage.m ([NSImage -initWithSize:]): round the size down
        ([NSImage -setSize:]): round the size down

Attachment: nsi.patch
Description: Quick fix for crashing scaled images

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