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[httptunnel] feature requests

From: nico
Subject: [httptunnel] feature requests
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 15:53:37 +0200


I've been using httptunnel
(http://www.nocrew.org/software/httptunnel.html) for some time now.

It seems the development have stopped but I'd like to make small
feature requests (in case you still have some free time to spend on
this soft) :

- ability to use a log file : right now it's logging to syslog, wich
is fine, but we got no control on the logging facility etc... and
logging to a file may be usefull to me

- ability to use a config file, instead of command-line args : pure
laziness from me, it would simplify the management of my daemon
launching scripts.

- a pid file ! Laziness again but it would be damn usefull for process

thanks a lot for your work, I still wonder how come this soft is the
only one I can find for http tunneling.



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