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Re: [Chicken-users] Using csi with emacs

From: kruhft
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Using csi with emacs
Date: 11 Apr 2003 15:43:42 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Panagiotis Vossos <address@hidden> writes:
> I have never used ilisp, but I am quite happy with cmuscheme.el that
> comes with emacs.  Just put the following in your .emacs file:
> (require 'cmuscheme)
> (setq scheme-program-name "csi -hygienic")
> (setq scheme-mit-dialect nil)
> Now you can bring up a buffer with a csi process by typing `M-x
> run-scheme'.  After that, you can request code to be evaluated from
> any buffer that is in `scheme-mode' by typing one of the following:
> C-x C-e: evaluate last sexp
> C-c C-r: evaluate region
> C-c C-l: load scheme file

Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted.

burton samograd

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