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Chicken build system (Was: Re: [Chicken-users] ${DISTFILES})

From: Peter Busser
Subject: Chicken build system (Was: Re: [Chicken-users] ${DISTFILES})
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 08:39:48 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i


> I don't deny that, but currently cmake isn't up to it (at least not the 
> current
> release). Moreover, I'm simply interested in the specific matter, and a
> chicken-based build system exclusively for chicken may be an interesting
> exercise. Who knows, perhaps I'll dump it in the end, I'm still exploring.

What kind of chicken-based build system are you talking about here? What
makes it different from other build systems? I'm interested in having a
build system which can be configured using s-expressions.


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