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Re: [Chicken-users] Weird behaviour in process / output / close-output-p

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Weird behaviour in process / output / close-output-port
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 00:02:45 -0700

I can't reproduce this problem. I'll get lots of error
messages and finally a "too many open files".


On 5/30/06, Alejandro Forero Cuervo <address@hidden> wrote:

The following code is giving me a strange behaviour:

    (use posix)

    (let loop ()
      (receive (in out pid)
               (process "foo")
        (newline out))

I expect it to loop indefinitely (nevermind the lack of a call to
process-wait) but it terminates the csi process (!):

    $ csi -script test.scm ; echo $?
    bash: foo: command not found
    bash: foo: command not found
    bash: foo: command not found
    bash: foo: command not found
    bash: foo: command not found

Weird, csi terminates with a return code of 141 after a few iterations
(often just at the first).  I'm guessing there's a race between the
two process that at some point causes a crash.

I'm using Chicken 2.3 on Debian GNU/Linux.  In case its relevant, I'm
using a 2.6.11 kernel with glibc 2.3.6.



Ps: Sorry for the broken In-reply-to header in my previous message.

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