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Re: [Chicken-users] SQLite and opengl eggs don't compile "out of the box

From: Kon Lovett
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] SQLite and opengl eggs don't compile "out of the box" with latest release
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 08:24:53 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Jun 9, 2006, at 7:33 PM, Matthew Welland wrote:

The fix of course is to use the latest snapshot which works fine. However for someone trying chicken for the first time that is probably frustrating.

I agree. The combination of a decent compiler, good platform support, large library, excellent C-family support, and open source is tempting to Scheme users. But the lack of a stable environment is frustrating.

Chicken is undergoing fairly rapid development, a good thing. It is also obsoleting the existing distributions scattered around, a bad thing. While some eggs are backward compatible, some are not, and some don't use the new features at all. (This is a small problem as the check-imports feature can help find serious bugs.)

This situation is well known to the author, Felix. However, I wouldn't expect a direct fix soon, as there are about 220 eggs, and a lot of authors.

I think what will happen is an update of the existing eggs to the latest feature set (this has happened in the past), then the creation of a set of platform specific distributions.

The platform specific stuff is also in flux. Windows is being worked on heavily. MacOS X as well.

I know Felix wants to get to a stable state but I doubt such a situation will emerge before Aug.


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