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Re: [Chicken-users] booting from old Chickens

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] booting from old Chickens
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 20:18:54 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

John Cowan wrote:
Frank scripsit:

My point was to inform you (and Felix, who requested info on 2.315 
installation results) that installation - means bootstrapping - works w/ 
the mentioned tool chain, which again means no bootstrapping from old 
versions required at all w/ the mentioned tool chain. Maybe I just 
missed the point of your exercise ;)

When you fetch the darcs head, you don't get the C versions of all the
various Scheme files, including the compiler, so you need to have
an existing csc on the system to even start.  

Minor correction: my CMake build requires a working chicken and a working csi.  It does not require a working csc.  csc is not used in my build at all.  Actually I could probably get rid of the csi dependency now.  Previously, my build of csi wasn't working, so I started relying on an extant csi to do the work.  Later I found the bug.  So now I could probably build my own csi, or my own silex, like I was doing before that problem came about.

This doesn't affect
people who are installing a tarball, but if you are trying to
install the current head, the issue is how old the installed
compiler can be before it doesn't work.

Right.  At present, the CMake build is known to handle Chicken 2.3 compilers.  I'd like to test 2.2 but my question about where to get it has gotten lost in the shuffle.  I'll post it again.

Brandon Van Every

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