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Re: [Chicken-users] csi problem - errors buffered?

From: Ian Oversby
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] csi problem - errors buffered?
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 09:45:28 +0000

I'm having a problem with a MinGW build of chicken on Windows. I'm running
csi -:c from within emacs/quack.  It seems that errors are being buffered.
If I
enter a command like (+ 1 2), I get the answer back immediately. If I enter (+ a b) it displays me another prompt without displaying the error. Running
csi -:c from the command prompt has a similar problem, but exiting the
with (exit) causes all the missing errors to be displayed as it exits.

The version of chicken I am running is version 2, build 324.  I used the
build for MinGW and MSYS created with CMake 2.4.2.

Ian, could you try the following patch, applied to eval.scm:

        [flush-output flush-output]
<          (print-call-chain ##sys#standard-error) ) ) )
              (print-call-chain ##sys#standard-error)
              (flush-output ##sys#standard-error) ) ) ) )


Hi Felix,

Thanks for the extremely quick response - I'm impressed :) I'm away from my dev
PC at the moment but I'll give it a try when I arrive home this evening.


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