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Re: [Chicken-users] csi problem - errors buffered?

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] csi problem - errors buffered?
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 13:52:09 +0200

        [flush-output flush-output]
<          (print-call-chain ##sys#standard-error) ) ) )
              (print-call-chain ##sys#standard-error)
              (flush-output ##sys#standard-error) ) ) )

(sorry, forgot a paren)


On 7/13/06, Ian Oversby <address@hidden> wrote:
>Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
>Given that an inability to handle "csi -R srfi-1" was previously reported,
>I expect there are problems with the CMake build of csi.

I suspect I have the same problem with my build and srfi-1 but was unable to
see exactly what it was because of the buffering of errors :)

>At present I don't have solutions, as the problems are beyond my current
>knowledge.  The problems can be fixed more quickly by other people digging
>into the sources and trying to resolve these bugs, or more slowly if people
>wait for me to go up the learning curve associated with each and every one
>of them.  My bugfixing priorities are always towards the things that are
>easiest for me personally to implement.  At present, that's getting the
>CMake build to be fully tarball capable.  Yes it'll be a buggy tarball and
>then the bugfixing priorities will change, but I know how to crank out
>CMake code, not Chicken MinGW MSYS bugfixes.  I think the beauty of open
>source is that people have different kinds of expertise and can combine
>their resources.

I'm only just getting used to darcs, chicken and MinGW myself and have,
unfortunately, precious little time to spend on this (probably like everyone
else right?).  That said, once the error output
problem is resolved I'll do what I can to help with the stuff on my priority



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